Collection of Charles Howard Baltzo (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1960-1968)

Photographs in this collection were taken on the Pribilof Islands in the 1960s by Howard Baltzo and provided courtesy of Mrs. Anne Baltzo, Howard’s wife. The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries appointed Mr. Baltzo the director of the Pribilof Island Program in 1960. Mr. Baltzo’s primary mandate was to improve the overall living conditions of the Pribilof people in light of impending program changes. The changes Mr. Baltzo made to the program are set forth in his May 1963 report, titled Program for Administration of the Pribilof Island Federal Reservation Embracing Management of the Fur-Seal Resource and Development of the Resident Aleut Inhabitants. As a result of Mr. Baltzo’s work, the Federal Civil Service wage scale was introduced in 1962 for all people on the islands working for the federal government. With this change, Pribilovian wages were brought into parity with the rest of the federal workforce. In turn, in-kind compensation such as free rent and food were substantially reduced, being provided only to those with insufficient wages to cover necessities. The federal government did, however, continue to maintain and administer the stores, laundries, houses, streets, and all public buildings, as well as to fund educational and medical services for all Pribilovians on both islands.

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Thumbnail photo of rusted wheel in the tundra grass. Thumbnail photo of George Haley grave marker as renewed in June 1960. Thumbnail photo of James Heath's headstone at Northeast Point. Thumbnail photo of Northeast Point. Thumbnail photo of rookery plaque.
Thumbnail photo of rusted wheel spokes. Thumbnail photo of auto part in sand and grass. Thumbnail photo of an unknown piece of machinery. Thumbnail photo of welcome to St. George sign. Thumbnail photo of aerial photograph of St. George village by Stenney Gilbertson.
Thumbnail photo of view of St. George village from the west. Thumbnail photo of St. George landing with ice. Thumbnail photo of powerhouse, warehouse, Cottage F, Penguin (ship) and ice floe. Thumbnail photo of old dock winch and pump houses and surf against the landing. Thumbnail photo of white church and Priest House.
Thumbnail photo of a church from the west. Thumbnail photo of church steeple, Company House, and the flag pole. Thumbnail photo of interior of the Russian Orthodox church. Thumbnail photo of headstones in cemetery. Thumbnail photo of small fox.
Thumbnail photo of murres on cliff nests at south Zapadni Thumbnail photo of sunset behind a Russian Orthodox Shrine. Thumbnail photo of view of Garden Cove and cliffs to the west. Thumbnail photo of airplane dropping a mail package. Thumbnail photo of man working on a water tank.
Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village Hill viewed from sand dunes. Thumbnail photo of men in a tug of war. Thumbnail photo of adults and children with balloons at 4th of July Celebration. Thumbnail photo of notice of dance party. Thumbnail photo of Pribilof rock band.
Thumbnail photo of people dancing at fourth of July Ball in Recreation Hall. Thumbnail photo of people working on the St. Paul Church. Thumbnail photo of volunteers working on the St. Paul church. Thumbnail photo of women painting the church fence. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul church and Government House in the snow.
Thumbnail photo of crosses on the St. Paul church. Thumbnail photo of interior of SS. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church. Thumbnail photo of wedding ceremony of Patrick and Barbara Pletnikoff. Thumbnail photo of St. George village from the water in the evening. Thumbnail photo of wedding party leaving the church at the wedding ceremony of Patrick and Barbara Pletnikoff.
Thumbnail photo of Russians and Victor Scheffer. Thumbnail photo of Barrett, Kastarnov, Wilke, McCall, Kostin, Nikulin, Overstreet, and Scudder. Thumbnail photo of ship USS Union offshore during unloading operations. Thumbnail photo of people herding seals. Thumbnail photo of killing field at Reef Point in early morning with St. Paul Village in the background.
Thumbnail photo of Peter Tetoff holding clubs. Thumbnail photo of herding seals and sea lions. Thumbnail photo of a large group of men standing around trucks preparing for a seal drive. Thumbnail photo of barking fur seal. Thumbnail photo looking west along North Rookery.
Thumbnail photo of seals on a beach. Thumbnail photo of fur seal harem. Thumbnail photo of fur seal pup. Thumbnail photo of fur seal in silver pup stage. Thumbnail photo of Staraya Artil seal round up.
Thumbnail photo of fur seal round up. Thumbnail photo of seal clubbing at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of fur seal skinning work party at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of sealing operation at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of stripping seal skins at the Zapadni killing field.
Thumbnail photo of man with seal skin and clubbers in background at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of men tossing seal skins into a truck at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of blubbering knives hanging on the wall. Thumbnail photo of bleached seal bones on killing field of a year ago. Thumbnail photo of barrels containing seal skins bound for Fouke Fur Company.
Thumbnail photo of seal skin stripping gang at the Zapadni killing field. Thumbnail photo of blubbering stands in the seal plant. Thumbnail photo of blubbering sealskins inside blubber house. Thumbnail photo of young man blubbering sealskin. Thumbnail photo of operating the brine tank.
Thumbnail photo of men inspecting a seal skin. Thumbnail photo of barrel house interior. Thumbnail photo of packing barrels. Thumbnail photo of blubbering machine. Thumbnail photo of barrels full of seal skins.
Thumbnail photo looking east from the ball field at the flooded lowlands. Thumbnail photo of looking west at the village from across the flooded plain. Thumbnail photo looking across towards Ellerman heights across the flooded plain. Thumbnail photo of rocks in the flooded area. Thumbnail photo of landing crafts and washed away soils from flood.
Thumbnail photo of reindeer carcass with Polovina hill in the background. Thumbnail photo of rock corral near water. Thumbnail photo of Polovina crater and lake with residual snow. Thumbnail photo of corral around Lake Hill Lake. Thumbnail photo of south half of Lake Hill Lake and new corral.
Thumbnail photo of reindeer north of English Bay. Thumbnail photo of reindeer in field. Thumbnail photo of the inside of a lava cave. Thumbnail photo looking out of a lava cave. Thumbnail photo of reindeer on the side of Ridge Wall.