Bering Sea and North Pacific Regional Maps

This section of the map gallery includes maps that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Pribilof Environmental Restoration Project Office have collected featuring St. Paul and St. George Islands and their location in the Bering Sea and Northern Pacific Ocean. Maps in this collection span more than three centuries, from a Captain James Cook 1778 map, to an 1852 Russian America atlas map, to modern day NOAA charts. The collection includes maps of the migratory patterns of northern fur seals; the locations of vessels involved in pelagic sealing; and the seizure locations of such vessels.

The maps have been gathered from various sources including NOAA, National Archive and Records Administration (NARA), and public and private documents. Through this collection, the evolving understanding of the true location of the Pribilof Islands in the world can be seen. The remoteness of these islands and the challenges of human and animal life in these environs can be explored.

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Thumbnail map of 1896 ice pack limits in the Bering Sea. Thumbnail map of Pribilof Islands Nautical Chart from 1910. Thumbnail map of Eastern Bering Sea Nautical Chart from 1923. Thumbnail map of the Pribilof Islands from 1849. Thumbnail map of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
Thumbnail map of Captain Cook's chart of the Northwest coast of America and Northeast coast of Asia from 1778-1779. Thumbnail map of the Distribution and Migrations of the American and Asiatic Fur Seal Herds from 1899. Thumbnail map of sealing chart showing the position and number of seals observed in the Bering Sea and reported by United States Vessels in 1891. Thumbnail map showing positions of sealing vessels seized or warned by the Government of the United States during the seasons of 1886, 1887, and 1889. Thumbnail map showing positions of sealing vessels seized or warned by the Government of the United States during the season of 1891.
Thumbnail map of Northern Fur Seal Migration Chart.