National Marine Mammal Laboratory Photograph Library (Gallery 4 of 5)

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Thumbnail photo of men with clubs killing seals at Lukanin Field. Thumbnail photo of east landing docks with ship in background. Thumbnail photo of John Hanson obtaining length of seal from snout to base of tail. Thumbnail photo of Agent Dan Benson recording measurements of seals and also count of seals rejected from drives. Thumbnail photo of men placing pup in gunny sack for weighing.
Thumbnail photo of early morning sealing crew near seals and dead carcasses. Thumbnail photo of Dr. George A. Bartholomew crouching by a deal seal. Thumbnail photo of Dr. Raymond Aretos, Ford Wilke, and L.E. Jordan kneeling by dead seal. Thumbnail photo of L.E. Jordan. Thumbnail photo of Carl F. Dixen.
Thumbnail photo of Richard E. Phillips. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of people, priest, and natives in front of Government House. Thumbnail photo of Paul Tetoff. Thumbnail photo of a man holding a freshly blubbered fur-seal skin.
Thumbnail photo of Dr. O. Wilford Olsen sitting at a work table. Thumbnail photo of Dr. O. Wilford Olsen standing at a sink. Thumbnail photo of biadar full of people coming alongside ship "Penguin". Thumbnail photo of the lab in the biologists' laboratory (now community store). Thumbnail photo of the lab in the Biologists' laboratory (now community store).
Thumbnail photo of the biologists' laboratory (now community store), a long two-story building. Thumbnail photo of large kettle outside of the biologists' laboratory (now community store). Thumbnail photo of zookeeper with open crate outside of the Seattle Zoo after Baltzo brought a fur seal to the zoo. Thumbnail photo of two baidars on land. Thumbnail photo of men rowing a baidar.
Thumbnail photo of the interior of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of biadar on land. Thumbnail photo of ship M.V. Penguin.
Thumbnail photo of ship M.V. Penguin. Thumbnail photo of Walrus skull with tag "Female walrus found dead on Polovina sands, July 7, 1962. G. Lyons". Thumbnail photo of a large group of people outside of two buildings. Thumbnail photo of Victor B. Scheffer's personal data including birth certificate and identification card. Thumbnail photo of Victor Scheffer with scale.
Thumbnail photo of Victor B. Scheffer. Thumbnail photo of biologists Scheffer, Shole, Kenyon, and Brown. Thumbnail photo of Victor B. Scheffer leaining on the railing of ship M.S. Black Douglas, fur seal research cruise. Thumbnail photo of Victor Scheffer sitting on the railing of the ship U.S.F.S. Penguin. Thumbnail photo of five U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees with 10 to 20 year medals.
Thumbnail photo of Victor B. Scheffer. Thumbnail photo of Scheffer and other men weighing pup in gunny sack. Thumbnail photo of Dr. Victor B. Scheffer. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul from the air. Thumbnail photo of fox sitting on rock marker 11.
Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island from the air. Thumbnail photo of Fouke Fur Co. agent Edward J. Neidel and FWS agent Homer Merriott counting sealskins from killing field to wash house platform Thumbnail photo of the by-products plant from the air. Thumbnail photo of a man brining sealskins. Thumbnail photo of man removing skins from the saltwater wash.
Thumbnail photo of man checking the blubbered skins for faults. Thumbnail photo of two men wringing the freshly blubbered skins. Thumbnail photo of two men wringing the freshly blubbered skins. Thumbnail photo of two men counting the skins off the wringer into lots of 5 for the salt house. Thumbnail photo of men on hands and knees slating skins.
Thumbnail photo of men preparing the skins for barreling. Thumbnail photo of two men weighing a barrel of the Fouke Fur company. Thumbnail photo of Aleuts throwing counted seal skins into wash water. Thumbnail photo of a man soaking skins with seawater from hose. Thumbnail photo of releasing cooked fur seal carcass meat from melter where it has been for 6 hours at 200 lbs pressure.
Thumbnail photo of loft with seal meal piling up. At intervals it is pushed through a hole in the floor to the hammer mill. Thumbnail photo of equipment. Thumbnail photo of bird. Thumbnail photo of men with spray machine for hook worm. Thumbnail photo of warehouse building, a low two-story structure.
Thumbnail photo of garbage dump. Thumbnail photo of a garbage dump. Thumbnail photo of the enclosure at Rush Hill. Thumbnail photo of a person tagging a yearling seal. Thumbnail photo of enclosure behind building.
Thumbnail photo of barrels lined up behind warehouse. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of rows of buildings in St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul harbor area.
Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of ship "Penguin". Thumbnail photo of baidar reaching shore from the ship Penguin. Thumbnail photo of crane on shore with ship "Penguin" in the background. Thumbnail photo of man examining seal in net.
Thumbnail photo of men weighing seal. Thumbnail photo of buildings at St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of seal exclosure at Northeast Point for hookworm investigation. Thumbnail photo of reindeer exclosure near Lake Hill constructed in June 1953. Thumbnail photo of laboratory.
Thumbnail photo of man sitting at desk in laboratory. Thumbnail photo of laboratory. Thumbnail photo of Northeast Point seal rookery. Thumbnail photo of a man receiving an award. Thumbnail photo of St. George Village from the air.
Thumbnail photo of St. George Village from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. George Village from the air. Thumbnail photo of the by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of two men. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island from the air.
Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island from the air. Thumbnail photo of a large pile of bones.