National Marine Mammal Laboratory Photograph Library (Gallery 5 of 5)

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Thumbnail photo of ship "Pribilof". Thumbnail photo of tundra landscape and lake. Thumbnail photo of men with Coast Guard plane. Thumbnail photo of by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of ship mast.
Thumbnail photo of a small ship. Thumbnail photo of man in laboratory (basement of old government office). Thumbnail photo of Three Aleut girls; middle girl is Mary Shaishnikoff. Thumbnail photo of men with clubs at seal harvest at Lukanin killing grounds. Thumbnail photo of men with clubs at seal harvest at Lukanin killing grounds.
Thumbnail peal harvest at Lukanin killing grounds. Thumbnail photo of man with camera on tripod. Thumbnail photo of man standing among grassy low hills. Thumbnail photo of parted fur seal skeleton. Thumbnail photo of barrels.
Thumbnail photo of barrels. Thumbnail photo of Ice House Lake. Thumbnail photo of a fox house. Thumbnail photo of men tagging seal pups on rocky shore. Thumbnail photo of men bending over seal carcasses at Reef Point.
Thumbnail photo of seal penises hung up to dry on the side of a building. Thumbnail photo of a man measuring a fur seal. Thumbnail photo of a man with seal carcasses. Thumbnail photo of the interior of the by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of man operating machine inside the By-Products Plant.
Thumbnail photo of man next to machinery inside the By-Products Plant. Thumbnail photo of man at work inside the By-Products Plant. Thumbnail photo of sacks of seal meal inside the By-Products Plant. Thumbnail photo of machinery inside the by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of three people weighing a fur seal.
Thumbnail photo of four men walking at Tolstoi. Thumbnail photo of a large group of people standing by buildings at a fourth of July celebration. Thumbnail photo of group of women (Frances Emanoff and Justina Swetzof are on the right). Thumbnail photo of a large group of people standing by buildings at a fourth of July celebration. Thumbnail photo of a large group of children and adults at a fourth of July celebration.
Thumbnail photo of young girl, Barbara Fratis. Thumbnail photo of man, woman, and young child. Thumbnail photo of three children standing in flower strewn field. Thumbnail photo of man standing next to seal carcasses near the by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of by-products plant.
Thumbnail photo of by-products plant. Thumbnail photo of six young children playing by House number 1 (Mandregan household at the time). Mary C. Bourdukofsky is second above center. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village from the air. Thumbnail photo of woman standing next to two-toned object. Thumbnail photo of small carved sea otter.
Thumbnail photo of carved objects. Thumbnail photo of carved objects. Thumbnail photo of a carved object. Thumbnail photo of three men skinning seal. Thumbnail photo of men tossing seal carcasses into truck.
Thumbnail photo of men tossing seal carcasses into truck. Thumbnail photo of five men standing near truck with seal carcasses. Thumbnail photo of man spraying grass. Thumbnail photo of the Pribilof Islands from the air. Thumbnail photo of a group of men sitting in a row.
Thumbnail photo of two men on a boat; man on right is Reverend Theodosy of St. George. Thumbnail photo of boat approaching East Landing. Thumbnail photo of boat approaching East Landing. Thumbnail photo of baidar near East Landing. Thumbnail photo of boat being towed.
Thumbnail photo of smoke cloud. Thumbnail photo of radio antenna being taken down. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village cemetery. Thumbnail photo of funeral procession near cemetery. Thumbnail photo of unknown flat objects.
Thumbnail photo of unknown cylindrical object. Thumbnail photo of a group of unknown objects. Thumbnail photo of bowl. Thumbnail photo of unknown object. Thumbnail photo of man holding an object.
Thumbnail photo of people near a body of water. Thumbnail photo of two children near body of water. Thumbnail photo of group of men near airplane. Thumbnail photo of three young women. Thumbnail photo of priest and family.
Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Village. Thumbnail photo of St. George Island taken from the air. Thumbnail painting of birds. Thumbnail drawing of a Native American in a skin boat.
Thumbnail drawing of a Steller Sea Lion. Thumbnail drawing of Steller Sea Lion anatomy. Thumbnail photo of St. George Island taken from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. George Island taken from the air. Thumbnail photo of the campsite at Commandor Bay.
Thumbnail photo of relics of Bering's second expedition recovered by L. Stejneger. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island taken from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island taken from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island taken from the air. Thumbnail photo of St. Paul Island taken from the air.
Thumbnail photo of two men weighing seal. Thumbnail photo of men skinning seal. Thumbnail photo of seals at the Polovina Rookery. Thumbnail photo of seals at the Polovina Rookery. Thumbnail photo of seals at Polovina Rookery.
Thumbnail photo of Reef Rookery. Thumbnail photo of Reef Rookery. Thumbnail photo of Reef Rookery. Thumbnail photo of Vostochni Rookery. Thumbnail photo of Zapadni Rookery.