Photographs of Environmental Remediation on St. Paul Island (Gallery 1 of 2)

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Thumbnail photo of an excavator removing wooden debris at the Aleut Bunkhouse. Thumbnail photo of a rusted bulldozer in grassy bog prior to site remediation. Thumbnail photo of an historic photograph of the Bulldozer in snow covered the Bog. Thumbnail photo of an excavator removing the Bulldozer in the Bog. Thumbnail photo of people removing explosives from the Explosives Storage Bunker.
Thumbnail photo of barrels and debris at the north end of the Salt Lagoon. Thumbnail photo of metal debris pile near the Polovina Hill quarry. Thumbnail photo of petroleum contaminated soil stockpile near the Polovina Hill quarry. Thumbnail photo of battery debris from the former LORAN station at Southwest Point. Thumbnail photo of battery debris site at Southwest Point after site remediation showinf cleaned site with Scoria cover.
Thumbnail photo of person standing near blue tarp on hillside surveying the soil stockpile at Polovina Hill using Global Positioning System. Thumbnail photo of Polovina stockpile site, after soil removal and sampling showing expanse of bare earth. Thumbnail photo of a tarp covered area at the soil stockpile at Polovina Hill. Thumbnail photo of an expanse of bare earth showing the petroleum contaminated soil stockpile location at the Blubber Dump after remediation. Thumbnail photo of construction of an Enhanced Thermal Conduction treatment cell at the Blubber Dump showing a partially completed low structure with a person standing on top and an excavator in the background.
Thumbnail photo of construction of an Enhanced Thermal Conduction treatment cell at the Blubber Dump showing a partially completed low structure with people and an excavator in the background. Thumbnail photo of construction of an Enhanced Thermal Conduction treatment cell at the Blubber Dump showing a partially completed low structure with people and an excavator in the background. Thumbnail photo of tarp covered area of stockpile at Polovina Hill. Thumbnail photo of an historic photograph of a windmill well. Thumbnail photo of NOAA staff in white protective gear carrying two buckets removing asbestos fragments from NOAA Tract 50.
Thumbnail photo of NOAA staff wearing white protective gear removing asbestos fragments from NOAA Tract 50. Thumbnail photo of view looking down the ramp of the barrel staging platform at the Naval Radio Complex. Thumbnail photo of view of the Naval Radio Complex from Village Hill with tall poles in the background. Thumbnail photo of view of the Naval Radio Complex with a barn in the foreground. Thumbnail photo of Naval Radio Complex staff housing building.
Thumbnail photo of blurry Naval Radio Complex with drum staging area. Thumbnail photo of view of the Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage after demolition showing an empty space between snow covered buildings. Thumbnail photo of three people standing near the half-demolished Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage. Thumbnail photo of the Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage during demolition work. Thumbnail photo of the Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage during demolition.
Thumbnail photo of view of the Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage from Village Hill after demolition showing snow covered buildings, equipment, and boats. Thumbnail photo of the Tract 46 Sheet Metal Garage prior to demolition, a metal-sided blue building. Thumbnail photo of site remediation in progress at the Tract 50 foundation showing showing heavy equipment near a patch of bare earth. Thumbnail photo of person sampling soil at the Tract 50 Foundation. Thumbnail photo of soil sampling locations in the Tract 50 foundation excavation showing a large muddy hole with stakes.
Thumbnail photo of a wide expanse of bare earth at the Tract 50 Foundation site, after environmental remediation. Thumbnail photo of concrete foundation in Tract 50. Thumbnail photo of Scoria pad at the Oil Drum Dump Site. Thumbnail photo of 55-gallon drums at the Oil Drum Dump Site. Thumbnail photo of "Avenue of Barrels" at the Oil Drum Dump Site showing piles of empty rusting barrels.
Thumbnail photo of vehicle Boneyard site prior to remediation showing stacks of crushed cars and other vehicles. Thumbnail photo of environmental remediation at the Vehicle Boneyard showing a wide expanse of bare earth in a dry grassy area. Thumbnail photo of the Vehicle Boneyard site after placement of erosion control matting. Thumbnail photo of surface debris at the Vehicle Boneyard prior to remediation. Thumbnail photo of vehicle carcass at the Little Polovina Vehicle Boneyard.
Thumbnail photo of vehicle carcass in flowering field at the Little Polovina Boneyard. Thumbnail photo of vehicle carcasses on hillside at the Dune Vehicle Boneyard. Thumbnail photo of vehicle carcasses in the tundra at the Dune Vehicle Boneyard. Thumbnail photo of heavy equipment along grassy hillside with site remediation in progress at the Dune Vehicle Boneyard. Thumbnail photo of view of the petroleum contaminated soil stockpile in Cell C of the St. Paul Landfill showing an expanse of dry grass with heavy equipment on a dirt area in the background.
Thumbnail photo of view of Tract 42 at the St. Paul Landfill from the northeast showing heavy equipment in the background. Thumbnail photo of cell C of the St. Paul Landfill with erosion control matting in place. Thumbnail photo of municipal solid waste in St. Paul Landfill Cell C, prior to remediation showing partially buried debris in sand and along hillside. Thumbnail photo of view of St. Paul Landfill Cell C from the north, prior to remediation showing a dirt road with heavily scattered debris. Thumbnail photo of drums and metal debris in St. Paul Landfill Cell A.
Thumbnail photo of leaking oil drums at the St. Paul Landfill. Thumbnail photo of heavy machinery working on the hilllside. Thumbnail photo of an excavator digging. Thumbnail photo of rusted barrels and other debris scattered in large piles. Thumbnail photo of the foundation of the former pumphouse in grassy area.
Thumbnail photo of person standing on shore near large rusted metal slab. Thumbnail photo of a large slab in water. Thumbnail photo of large pieces of rusted metal debris on rocky shore. Thumbnail photo of an excavator removing metal debris from rocky shore. Thumbnail photo of an excavator removing metal debris from rocky shore.
Thumbnail photo of a person standing on shore near a large rusted metal slab.