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Pribilof Islands Environmental Restoration Project Photographs

The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is responsible for site characterization and restoration at the Pribilof Islands. Public Law 104–91 of 1996 and Public Law 106-562 of 2000 provided the mandate for NOAA’s activities. A Two Party Agreement signed in 1996 by NOAA and the Alaska its Department of Environmental Conservation, provided the framework for NOAA’s cleanup activities on the islands. NOAA agreed to identify, assess, remedy, and monitor environmental contamination at twenty sites on St. Paul Island and twenty-two sites on St. George Island. Eventually, through investigation and subdivision of large sites into smaller managed units, the number of sites increased to thirty-eight and sixty at St. George Island and St. Paul Island, respectively. While conducting characterization and cleanup activities, NOAA photo-documented its efforts. This collection includes photographs taken by federal government employees and contractors. The photographs document their work and other activities during the years of cleanup on the Pribilof Islands.

Photo of shoreline.
Pribilof Islands General Interest Photographs

Photo of a house with open area.
St. George Island Environmental Remediation Photographs

Photo of mechanical crane in water of rocky shore.
St. Paul Island Remediation Photographs (Gallery 1 of 2)

Photo of mechanical crane digging hole near blue building.
St. Paul Island Remediation Photographs (Gallery 2 of 2)


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update July 15, 2008