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Aleut Bunkhouse
St. Paul Island

Return to Seal Islands Historic District National Historic Landmark

1929. A bunkhouse for the Aleut Native sealers was constructed at Northeast Point. The frame construction built atop a concrete foundation contained a kitchen, mess room, and sleeping quarters for fifty persons. The building eventually went into disuse and collapsed. The debris was hauled away in 2000, and the foundation filled with scoria. NOAA Office of Coast Survey placed a geodetic monument into concrete footer at the northeast corner of the foundation (Bower 1930, 308).

Photo of mechanical crane removing wooden debris.
Debris removal at the Aleut Bunkhouse in 2000 (NOAA).

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update June 29, 2008