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By-Products Plant
St. Paul Island

Return to Seal Islands Historic District National Historic Landmark

National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form text:

Built in 1924. Large frame structure with horizontal clapboard siding. Remodeled interior and exterior in the 1930s; abandoned, reopened, abandoned again, and remodeled again; the interior was remodeled as recently as the 1970s. Presently abandoned, it is in need of structural repairs. By-products (products incidental to the fur-seal industry) produced at one time or another on Saint Paul include: fox food, dog team food, mink food, crab bait, fertilizer, and oil. Between 1965 and 1975 a mink farmer removed old boilers to install experimental freezing equipment. The exterior retains the historic character of the 1930 seal processing building (Faulkner 1986).

Photo of building.
By-Products Plant (NARA).

Photo of building with piles of lumber nearby.
By-Products Plant (NARA).

Photo of building with surrounding hills.
By-Products Plant (NMML Photo Library).

Diagram of By-products plant.
Layout of the By-Products Plant (click for larger image)

Supplemental information provided by NOAA:

The seal carcass by-products plant was constructed on St. Paul Island in 1918. The structure was a two-story wood frame, 55 x 75 ft., atop a concrete foundation (Bower 1919, 83). The building was razed by local interests in 1987.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update June 29, 2008