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East Landing Dock
St. Paul Island

Return to Seal Islands Historic District National Historic Landmark

19211932. A temporary wharf was installed at East Landing in 1921 with final construction of a reinforced structure, 50 ft. x 225 ft., completed in 1932. The East Landing Dock permitted the supply ship to depart considerably earlier than would have been possible otherwise. The dock allowed management to reassign about 100 workers to other duties sooner, as the the lightering of cargo of the supply ship anchored offshore required much more manpower. (Bower 1922, 53; Bower 1933, 59).

Photo of dock with boat offshore.
East Landing, with boat offshore, July 15, 1946 (NMML Photo Library)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update June 29, 2008