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Coal Shed
St. George Island

Return to Seal Islands Historic District National Historic Landmark

National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form text:

Built in the 1930s. Concrete walls up to fifteen feet high pocketed into hillside, thus one side of the building is at grade near the eave line, while the other side has full-height concrete walls. Most recently used for storage. Needs structural repairs (Faulkner 1986).

Photo of the roof of the coal shed, a long building with an alternating flat and angled roof.
Coal shed, October 18, 2006 (NOAA).

Photo of the northeasterly view of the coal shed, a long building with an alternating flat and angled roof and a picket fence.
Coal Shed, September 10, 1985 (NMML Photo Library).

Photo of the southwesterly view of the coal shed, a white  building.
Coal Shed, September 10, 1985 (NMML Photo Library).


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update June 29, 2008