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Former Power Plant
St. George Island

Return to Seal Islands Historic District National Historic Landmark

National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form text:

A diesel generator-driven power plant was constructed on St. George Island between 1936 and 1937. The plant facilities included eleven aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) used to store diesel fuel, gasoline, and lubricating oil, as well as a wood-framed building that housed the generators.

Photo of a group of white buildings including the former power plant on left on photo.
Former Power Plant, left, May 1960 (Baltzo Collection).

Supplemental information provided by NOAA:

The ASTs were located on wooden platforms along the west and southwest sides of the building. Fuel was supplied to the ASTSs, via a gravity fed pipeline, from drums staged at the Former Fuel Storage Area located south of the power plant (see Document Library on DVD, St. George Island Site Closure Documents TPA Site 9:Old Power Plant).


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo.

NOAA created this product in partial fulfillment of a memorandum of agreement between it and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer.
Last update June 29, 2008